
Keynote Speakers

Eddy Davelaar
Professor of Psychology and Applied Neuroscience, Birkbeck, University of London

Abstract: Expanding the range of analytical methods in neurofeedback research

Prof Eddy Davelaar studied at Maastricht University in the Netherlands and completed simultaneously a degree in Biological Health Sciences and a degree in Psychology. He continued his PhD studies at Birkbeck, University London on the topic of computational modelling of human memory. After a post-doctoral period involving modelling perception, attention, and language, he returned to Birkbeck as a Lecturer in 2006, where he currently is Professor of Psychology and Applied Neuroscience. He conducts research on cognitive aging, neurofeedback, and develops with his colleague an integrated qualitative-quantitative methodology that can be applied to neurofeedback research and practice.

Noah Philip
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University

Abstract: Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation for PTSD (and More) - The Future Is Now

Dr. Philip is a Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at the Alpert Medical School of Brown University. His clinical and laboratory work is at VA Providence, where he is the Lead for Mental Health Research at the VA RR&D Center for Neurorestoration and Neurotechnology and founding director of the psychiatric neuromodulation clinic. Dr. Philip received his BSc from McGill University and his MD from Albany Medical College where he graduated Alpha Omega Alpha and with a Distinction in the Study of Biomedical Ethics. He then completed his psychiatry residency training at Brown, followed by T32 and Neuromodulation Fellowships also at Brown. Dr. Philip’s career goal is to design, develop, and deploy neuromodulation treatments for PTSD and depression. He is active in several national organizations, including the Society of Biological Psychiatry, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, and President of the Psychiatric Research Society. Dr. Philip is passionate about training and mentoring, and is committed to action to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion. A true believer in work life balance, in the summer you can find Dr. Philip wing foiling in the Rhode Island Bay, and in winter the telemark skiing and ski patrolling with his family in the mountains of Vermont.

Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli
Professor of Psychology, Northeastern University

Abstract: Mindfulness Based Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback (mbNF): A Personalized Network Intervention for Mood and Psychotic Disorders

Susan Whitfield-Gabrieli received her BS in Biophysics/Physics and Ph.D. in Psychology/Neuroscience at UC Berkeley. She has held Principal Research Scientist positions at Stanford University and MIT and is currently Professor of Psychology and the Founding Director of the Northeastern Biomedical Director of the Northeastern University Biomedical Imaging Center (NUBIC) at Northeastern University and Researcher in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Her primary mission is to understand the brain basis of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders and to promote translation of this knowledge into clinical practice. Towards this end, she employs multimodal neuroimaging techniques to investigate the neural underpinnings of typical and atypical development as well as the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and ADHD. Her ultimate mission is to discover biomarkers, derived from functional and anatomical brain networks, which may be utilized for (a) prediction of therapeutic response, geared towards precision medicine, (b) early detection, which potentiates early interventions designed to mitigate symptom progression, and (c) novel behavioral interventions (e.g., real-time fMRI neurofeedback) with the hope of improving, or augmenting, currently available treatments.